Current Secretary General (2016-2019) (effective since March 2, 2016)
Dr. Maria Crisitna Angelici
Senior Scientists Researcher
Department of Environment and Primary Prevention
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (www.iss.it<http://www.iss.it>)
V.le Regina Elena 299
00161-Rome, ITALY
Tel: +390649902311 Fax: +390649902295
E-mail: cristina.angelici@iss.it
Past Secretary General (2011-2016)
Dr. Aurelio Serrano
Senior Staff Scientist, Group Leader
PAIDI Group Bioenergética del Fosfato BIO-261
Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis, Universidad de Sevilla -CSIC
Av. Americo Vespucio 49, 41092-Sevilla, SPAIN
E-mail: aurelio@ibvf.csic.es
Third Meeting of the Federation of European Protistological Societies (FEPS), on the occasion of the VII European Congress of Protistology, September 5–10, 2015, Seville, Spain
The third meeting of FEPS was held on Tuesday, 8 September, 19.00–20.00 h, in the Bioemprendimiento-1 meeting room, 4th fl oor, Faculty of Biology-Red Building (Reina Mercedes Campus, University of Seville), in Seville, Spain. The Secretary General, Dr. Aurelio Serrano, Seville, Spain, had issued invitations to the FEPS council to attend this meeting. Eleven representatives of 6 of the 12 member societies were present.
The discussion of the topics on the Agenda came to the following conclusions:
- Election of the Secretary General. Since the term of Dr. Aurelio Serrano as Secretary General has come to its end with the organization of the VII European Congress of Protistology (VII ECOP), and no candidate proposal for Secretary General in the next 4-years period has been received to be assessed at this meeting, the council decided unanimously to nominate Dr. Aurelio Serrano as Secretary General interim, acting for a maximum period of one year. Also, the council agreed to give a time period (up to 31 December 2015) for receiving a fi rm proposal of candidate for Secretary General from one of the member societies of FEPS, whereupon the Secretary General interim will leave his post.
- Venue and date of the next European Congress of Protistology. As a result of the above discussion, the date and venue of the next ECOP to be held in 2019 remain to be decided. They will be communicated to the FEPS member societies as soon as the next Secretary General of FEPS is appointed. As with topic 1, the council agreed to give a time period (up to 31 December 2015) for receiving proposals for the organization of VIII ECOP.
- Council members agreed that future joint meetings of FEPS in partnership with other protistological societies (Asian Protistological Society, ISOP, and others) should be promoted, bearing in mind the very positive experience with the VII ECOP – ISOP Joint Meeting of Seville. On the other hand, the alternative dates every two years of ECOP and ISOP congresses should be maintained to allow a relevant participation of European protistologists in these two important events.
- The renovated FEPS web page of FEPS (www.FEPS-protists.eu) will be hosted at the Data Center of the Instituto de Bioquímica Vegetal y Fotosíntesis (Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC, Sevilla, Spain) until the effective appointment of the next Secretary General of FEPS, who will take care of the domain name maintenance and website updates from that moment.
Aurelio Serrano
FEPS Secretary General
Second Meeting of the Federation of European Protistological Societies (FEPS), on the occasion of the VI European Congress of Protistology, July 25–29, 2011, Berlin, Germany
The second meeting of the FEPS was held on Tuesday,26 July, 18.00–18.30, in the Lecture Hall 2, Institute of Biology/Plant Physiology, in Berlin-Dahlem, Germany. The Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hausmann, Berlin, Germany,had issued invitations to the FEPS council to attend this meeting. Seven representatives of the 12 member societies were present (two societies sent apologies by mail fortheir absence, the others had not responded).
The discussion of the topics on the Agenda came to the following conclusions:
1. Election of the Secretary General: Before voting the convention agreed that a Secretary General will be elected for a 4 year period lasting from one Congress to the next. Prof. Dr. Aurelio Serrano, Sevilla, Spain, was nominated as Secretary General and elected unanimously with one abstention. He accepted the election.
2. Venue and date of the VII European Congress of Protistology: The Protistology Group (GEP) of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM) offered to organise the next Congress in 2015. This invitation was accepted unanimously. The exact date and venue of the Congress (most probably in Sevilla, September 2015) will be communicated in the near future.
3. Affiliation of EJOP with FEBS: Prof. Dr. Thomas Weisse, Mondsee, Austria, Editor-in-Chief of EJOP, emphasized that each member society has the possibility to publish special announcements or reports in EJOP free of charge. These should be sent to the Secretary General of FEPS or to the Editor-in-Chief of EJOP, not directly to the publisher. Additionally he pointed to the special subscription offer of the EJOP to all members of the constituent Societies of FEPS. The offer is only valid for individuals with mention of the FEPS member society. For information please contact the Elsevier subscription department:journals@elsevier.com.
4. Home page of FEPS: The new Secretary General, Prof. Serrano, will contact the member societies in order to upgrade the home page (www.feps.eu/).
5. Miscellaneous: Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Angelici, Rome,Italy, initiated a vivid discussion about the affiliation between FEPS and ISOP. This matter will be in the focus of future considerations.
During the closing banquet of the Berlin Congress Prof. Serrano, speaking on behalf of FEPS, informed the participants that the VII European Congress of Protistology will be hosted by the Spanish colleagues.
Klaus Hausmann
Former Secretary General (2007-2011)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hausmann
Free University of Berlin, Institute of Biology / Zoology
Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, 14195 Berlin, GERMANY
First Meeting of the Federation of European Protistological Societies (FEPS), on the occasion of the V European Congress of Protistology and XI Conference on Ciliate Biology, July 23–27, 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia
The first meeting of the FEPS was held on Wednesday, 25 July, 16.00–17.30, in the Academic Meeting Room of the library of The Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, Russia. The interim Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hausmann, Berlin, Germany, had issued invitations to the FEPS council to attend this meeting. Seven representatives of the 12 member societies were present (two societies sent apologies by mail for their absence, three had not responded). The discussion of the topics on the Agenda came to the following conclusions:
1. Election of the Secretary General: Before voting the convention agreed that a Secretary General will be elected for a 4 year period lasting from one Congress to the next. Re-election is possible. Prof. Hausmann was nominated as Secretary General and elected unanimously with one abstention. He accepted the election.
2. Venue and date of the VI European Congress of Protistology: The German Society of Protozoology offered to organise the next Congress in 2011. This invitation was accepted unanimously. The exact date and venue of the Congress will be communicated in the near future.
3. Possible renaming of the next Congress: After a vivid discussion the convention decided with one dissenting vote to shorten the title to the European Congress of Protistology.
4. Home page of FEPS: The Secretary General briefly explained the structure of the home page of FEPS (www.feps.eu/) and asked all members to inform him immediately about any change, especially in the home page addresses of the societies, to ensure a correct and up-to-date forum.
5. Any other Business: The Secretary General drew attention to the affiliation between FEPS and EJOP. He emphasized that each member society has the possibility to publish special announcements or reports in EJOP. These should be sent to the Secretary General of FEPS or to the Editor in Chief of EJOP, not directly to the publisher. Additionally he pointed to the special subscription offer of the EJOP to all members of the constituent Societies of FEPS.
During the closing banquet of the St. Petersburg
Congress Prof. Hausmann, speaking on behalf of FEPS, thanked the Russian team for the outstanding organization of the V Congress and informed the participants that the VI European Congress of Protistology will be hosted by the German colleagues.
Klaus Hausmann
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